Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. Fashion on the Red-Carpet: A History of the Oscars(r), Fashion and Globalisation. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2021. Find here
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Oscar Night in Hollywood: Fashioning the Red-Carpet from the Roosevelt Hotel to International Media.” (Stockholm: Stockholm University, 2018). Find here
Peer-reviewed original articles
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “The Most Famous Costume Designer: Revisiting Edith Head’s Career Through a Contractual Lens.” Film History: An International Journal 34, no. 4 (2023): 30-58. https://www.muse.jhu.edu/article/900041
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Branding the Oscarcast: The Public Relations Strategies that Established the Academy Awards Ceremony as a Successful Media Spectacle.” Historical Journal for Film, Radio and Television (2022) https://doi.org/10.1080/01439685.2022.2065079
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Exploring Fashion as Communication: The Search for a New Fashion History Against the Grain.” Popular Communication: The International Journal of Media and Culture 18, no. 4 (2020): 249-258. DOI: 10.1080/15405702.2020.1854952
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Fearless Fashion: Rudi Gernreich.” Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body & Culture (September 2019): 1-12. DOI: 10.1080/1362704X.2019.1664527
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth and Chiara Faggella. “Editorial Foreword to Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Fashion and the Moving Image.” Journal of Film, Fashion, and Consumption 8, no. 1 (April 2019): 3-8. Accessible at https://doi.org/10.1386/ffc.8.1.3_2
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. Introduction to “Exploring the Intersections of Fashion, Film and Media.” Networking Knowledge 11, no. 1 (May 2018): 1-6. Accessible at https://ojs.meccsa.org.uk/index.php/netknow/article/view/527/336
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Barbarella’s Wardrobe: Exploring Jacques Fonteray’s Intergalactic Runway.” Film, Fashion, and Consumption 5(2), (December 2016): 185-211. https://doi.org/10.1386/ffc.5.2.185_1
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Lo Squalo, le strategie di marketing della universal e la costruzione della ‘Jawsmania’.” Cinergie 7 (March 2015), DOI: 10.6092/issn.2280-9481/6967
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “No Oscar for The Oscar? Behind Hollywood’s Walk of Greed.” Networking Knowledge 7, no. 4 (November 2014). Accessible at https://ojs.meccsa.org.uk/index.php/netknow/article/view/352/182
Book Chapters
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Barbarella.” In The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Film and Television Costume Design: Vol. 3., edited by Deborah Nadoolman Landis. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts. [Forthcoming]
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Classical Hollywood.” In The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Film and Television Costume Design: Themes and Issues, edited by Deborah Nadoolman Landis. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2023, DOI: 10.5040/9781474207867.010 .
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Postwar Hollywood.” In The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Film and Television Costume Design: Themes and Issues, edited by Deborah Nadoolman Landis. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2023.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth and Natalie Snoyman. “The Costume Designers Guild, IATSE Local 892.” In The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Film and Television Costume Design: Themes and Issues, edited by Deborah Nadoolman Landis. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2023, DOI: 10.5040/9781474207867.040.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Academy Award for Costume Design.” In The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Film and Television Costume Design: Themes and Issues, edited by Deborah Nadoolman Landis. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2023, DOI: 10.5040/9781474207867.065
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Costume/Fashion.” In The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Film and Television Costume Design: Themes and Issues, edited by Deborah Nadoolman Landis. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2023, DOI: 10.5040/9781474207867.078.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Product Placement.” In he Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Film and Television Costume Design: Themes and Issues, edited by Deborah Nadoolman Landis. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2023, DOI: 10.5040/9781474207867.079.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Adrian.” In The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Film and Television Costume Design: Costume Designer Biographies, edited by Deborah Nadoolman Landis. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2023, DOI: 10.5040/9781474207874.134
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Theoni V. Aldredge.” In The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Film and Television Costume Design: Costume Designer Biographies, edited by Deborah Nadoolman Landis. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2023, DOI: 10.5040/9781474207874.137.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Jacques Fonteray.” In The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Film and Television Costume Design: Costume Designer Biographies, edited by Deborah Nadoolman Landis. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2023, DOI: 10.5040/9781474207874.245.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Edith Head.” In The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Film and Television Costume Design: Costume Designer Biographies, edited by Deborah Nadoolman Landis. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2023, available open access at https://www.bloomsburyfashioncentral.com/film-and-television-costume-edith-head.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Orry Kelly.” In The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Film and Television Costume Design: Costume Designer Biographies, edited by Deborah Nadoolman Landis. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2023.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Bob Mackie.” In The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Film and Television Costume Design: Costume Designer Biographies, edited by Deborah Nadoolman Landis. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2023, DOI: 10.5040/9781474207874.321
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Reporting Fashion: Fashioning Moving Images from Newsreels to Web Series.” In Insights on Fashion Journalism edited by Rosie Findlay and Johannes Reopen. London: Routledge, 2022. DOI: 10.4324/9781003035688-9
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Användningen av digitala arkiv inom humaniora.” In Humanistiska fakultetens jubileumsserie. Stockholm: Stockholm University Press, 2019. https://www.hum.su.se/polopoly_fs/1.493457.1585644364!/menu/standard/file/7017%200012%20Bok%202%20Low_3.pdf
Conference contributions
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “The Film Industry Project: Hollywood's Public Relations Efforts to Palliate to Postwar Crisis.” Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) Conference, Boston, March 2024.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Spectacular Costumes: A Chronicle of the Costume Design Category at the Academy Awawrds.” Critical Costume Conference, UCLA/David C. Copley Center, Los Angeles, March 2024/
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “The Movies and You: The Postwar Attempts to Keep Audiences Interested in Hollywood.” Crises and Turns: Continuities and Discontinuities in American Culture - The Biennial Conference of the Nordic Association for American Studies (NAAS), May 25-27, 2023.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth.“Back to the Screen: Costume Research in the Digital Age.” NOS-HS III New Approaches, Methodologies, and Connections, Workshop organized by the National Library of Norway, May 5-6, 2023.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth.The Case for Awards Studies – Roundtable, Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS), April 2023.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. Media Archives Committe Workshop: Film Archives Workshop (Moderator), SCMS+, Online. February 20th, 2023
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “What was your Question? Deciphering How the Digital Humanities can Aid in the Study of Fashion.” Fabrics in Motion: Mediality and Materiality of Textiles in Early 20th Century Film and Media Culture- Department of Art History of the University of Cologne, May 2022.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Spectacular Costume Design: The Dialectics of Above-the-line Recognition and Below-the-line Labor.” SCMS Conference, March 2022.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Beyond the Screen: The Perils of Researching Costume Design History.” Dressing the Media: Materials and Methods for Studying Screen Costume-IAMHIST, UK, September 2021.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Newsfilms as Historical Repositories of Fashion and Dress: A Methodological Initiative.” New Research in Dress History – Association of Dress historians, UK, August 2021.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “The Struggles of the Remote Scholar: Creating Opportunities for Archival Access Beyond Broad Digitization." Roundtable - SCMS Conference, 2021.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Pedagogies of Perspective: The Challenges and Opportunities of Teaching Moving Images and Gender in a Multicultural Classroom.” Stockholm University Teachers Conference, Kista, Stockholm, March 26, 2020.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “A Woman’s Job: Edith Head’s Transformation from School Teacher into Hollywood’s Most Iconic Costume Designer.”  Bridging Gaps: Re-Fashioning Stories for Celebrity Counterpublics, Center for Media Celebrities, New York City, USA, 30 August - 1 September 2019.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “From Costume Designer to Fashion Expert: Edith Head as a Cultural Mediator of Style and Femininity in Postwar America.” Fashion and Costume Designers as Cultural Translators: Adapting Dress Across the Media, University College Cork, Ireland, 18-19 July 2019.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “The Most Famous Costume Designer: Constructing Edith Head’s Narrative from School Teacher to Hollywood Stardust.” Fashion, Costume and Visual Culture Conference in Roubaix, 9-11 July 2019.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Italy on the Red-Carpet: The Postwar Presence of Italian Designers at the Academy Awards.” Global Intersections and Artistic Interconnections: Italian Cinema and Media Across Time and Space, The American University in Rome, 14-15 June 2019.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “The Case of Lux Flakes: Hollywood Costume Designers as Fashion Experts and Product Endorsers under the Studio Era.” SCMS Conference, Toronto, Canada, March 2018.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Cuerpos de Emulación Pecuniaria: Estrellas de Hollywood como elemento homogeneizador de la femineidad e identidad nacional en los Estados Unidos (1906-1930).” XIII Jornadas nacionales de Historia de las Mujeres y VII Congreso Iberoamericano de Estudios de Género, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 2017.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “The Classroom and the Archive: Teaching Film and Media History Using Digital and Physical Primary Materials.” SCMS Conference, Chicago, U.S.A., March 2017.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “The “Paco Rabanne Myth:” How Archival Research Can Help Us Deconstruct Celebrity Discourses.” Celebrity Culture and Power Between Culture and Politics Conference, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 2016.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Oscar Night in Hollywood: Edith Head and the Emergence of the Academy Awards’ Fashion Pre-Show.” 84th Anglo-American Conference of Fashion Historians, Senate House, London, UK, July 2015.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “JAWS: Creating the Myth of the Man-Eating Machine.” JAWS 40thAnniversary Symposium, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK, June 2015.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Because Fashion Matters: Studying the Intersections of Fashion, Film and Media.” Workshop - SCMS Conference, Montreal, Canada, March 2015.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Oscar Night in Hollywood: Edith Head and the Emergence of the Academy Awards' Fashion Pre-Show.” SCMS Conference, Montreal, Canada, March 2015.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Who Cares About the Best-Dressed? Mr. Blackwell’s Infamous List and the Art of Self-Branding.” Celebrity Studies Journal Conference, London, UK., June 2014.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Who Cares About the Best-Dressed? Mr. Blackwell’s Infamous List and the Art of Self-Branding.” PCA/ACA conference, Chicago, U.S.A., April 2014.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Dior Salve a la Reina: Cristina Fernández´s Fashionable Pleasures and her Constant War Against the Media.” Popular Culture and World Politics Conference PCWP VI, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2013.
Edited Special Issues for Journals
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth (ed.). Special issue: “Exploring Fashion as Communication.” Popular Communication: The International Journal of Media and Culture 18, no. 4 (2020). Accessible at https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/hppc20/18/4
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth and Chiara Faggella (eds.). Special issue: “Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Fashion and the Moving Image.” Journal of Film, Fashion, and Consumption 8, no. 1 (April 2019). Accessible at https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/intellect/ffc/2019/00000008/00000001
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth (ed.). Special issue: “Exploring the Intersections of Fashion, Film and Media.” Networking Knowledge 11, no. 1 (May 2018): 1-6. Accessible at https://ojs.meccsa.org.uk/index.php/netknow/article/view/527/336
Popular science articles/presentations
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Conversations with Scholars of American Popular Culture: Featured Guest: Elizabeth Castaldo Lundén.” Americana: The Journal of American Popular Culture 22, no. 2 (2024): https://americanpopularculture.com/journal/articles/fall_2023/lunden.htm
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Bararella: An Unintentional Beacon of Retro Futurism.” Barbarella Booklet. Hertfordshire: Arrow Films, 2023.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Teitelbaum Furs.” In Scalar
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. (2016) “When Shallowness Enables Depth: The Oscars as a Scenario for Socio-Political Protest.” In Media Res. Available at http://mediacommons.org/imr/2016/02/17/when-shallowness-enables-depth-oscars-scenario-socio-political-protest
Presentations- broader audience
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Barbarella: 50 Years of Space Age.” Lecture for the cycle Cinemateket Om Film, Swedish Film Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, 2018.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Pre-Code Hollywood: The Final Sparks of the Insubordinate Screen.” Lecture for the cycle Cinemateket Om Film, Swedish Film Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, 2016.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Comunicación responsable de la violencia de género.” Course given at the Círculo Marplatense de profesionales de la comunicación, Mar del Plata, Argentina, 2016.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “¿A quién le importan los mejores vestidos? La lista infame de Mr. Blackwell y el lema toda prensa es buena prensa.” Presentation at the Círculo Marplatense de profesionales de la comunicación, Mar del Plata, Argentina, 2014.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Oscar Red Carpet: From Local to Global (A Media History)” Seminar at the Media Department at University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, U.S.A, 2014.
Castaldo Lundén, Elizabeth. “Hollywood, moda y la alfombra roja: El surgimiento del consultor de moda en los Oscars.” Lecture given at UNTREFCyT Consumos culturales: creadores, poseedores y gestores (siglos XX y XXI) del IIAC, Universidad de Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2014.