Popular Communication: The international journal of media and culture
Special issue: Fashion as communication
Guest editor: Elizabeth Castaldo Lundén
Exploring fashion as communication by Elizabeth Castaldo Lundén
Fashion as communication revisited by Malcolm Barnard An evening with Ackermann Evening dress in The Repository of Arts, 1809-1813 by Jessica Barker
“Your one and only source”: “peripheral” fashion editorship within the transnational cultural flow. St. Petersburg publication Modnyi magazin (1862–1883) by Maria Alesina
“Palpably Ugly” or “beauty of their form”?: Corsets in Toronto periodicals, 1871-1914 by Alanna McKnight
Makeover media as fashion journalism: What Not To Wear, fashion, authority, and Gonzo subjectivity by Arlene Oak and Julia Petrov
The mother of dragons in Dior: fashion, star image and self-presentation on Instagram by Helle Kannik Haastrup